Developing a new B2B subbrand for Rockfon

By designing and applying a new corporate brand identity for their newly acquired brand.

Building Materials
Project type
Vertical and horizontal computer screens displaying the new Parafon website

Newly launched Parafon website with a mobile first design approach.

The global leader in acoustics

Rockfon, the world's top manufacturer of indoor acoustic solutions, serves a diverse range of customers, from innovative architects and designers to a network of distributors and installers.

A new brand challenge

As Rockfon welcomed Parafon, a new subbrand, into its brand family, the challenge was clear: integrate it into their brand ecosystem. The first step? Crafting a fitting visual identity and a modern website.

A brand Identity built together

We collaborated closely with Rockfon and Parafon's leadership, to make sure they were actively involved in shaping the brand identity they'd be proud of. A single designer was tasked with conducting user research, developing the brand guide, and leading the web design journey.

How to integrate a new acquisition into your brand?

Rockfon's acquisition of Parafon brought a fresh challenge: integrating a new division into their established brand. Leapworks helped with the creative process, through a dedicated designer/researcher leading the project over three months. Conducting over 20 interviews with both Rockfon and Parafon teams.

This collaborative approach led to a clear brand purpose and personality. With a shared vision, we crafted the visual brand elements through iterative designs. Our close collaboration with Rockfon's Marketing director and active involvement of Parafon's team ensured company-wide support for the design direction.

The outcome? A comprehensive 'Corporate Visual Identity' (CVI) guide. Covering the basics like logo, colors, and typography as well as presentation templates, packaging designs, and merchandise.

On top of these deliverables, the new brand identity boosted team spirit, brought everyone closer together in the process, and made employees proud to be part of Parafon.

A Seamless Migration. From Old to Bold.

To go from an old web system to a new one is no small feat. For Parafon, a brand with strong Nordic values and a no-nonsense approach, it was crucial that the brand new website not only reflected its unique identity but was also built for the future.

With the new brand guide, the same designer/researcher who shaped Parafon's brand identity led the web design phase. This continuity ensured a cohesive vision from start to finish, saving Rockfon's marketing director considerable time and hassle.

Working closely with Rockfon developers, we migrated old product data and crafted a site that was both scalable and true to Parafon's 'challenger' spirit. Every design choice, from layout to tone, was made to fit with the brand's fresh personality.

"We have never done a project like this so professionally. The new brand identity got us all excited about a fresh start."
Pär Gustavsson
CEO Parafon

A new brand ready for the digital age.

Dealing with the complexities of brand integration can be overwhelming. But for Rockfon and Parafon's marketing teams, the journey was refreshingly simple.

Instead of working multiple agencies and endless budget proposals, they had a single digital expert from Leapworks to guide them. From an older business division with no visual identity on an outdated website, they turned into a fresh Parafon. Complete with a new CVI, now visible on a modern website.

This transformation was achieved in just three months, with enthusiastic buy-in from all stakeholders. The best part is, with the initial branding done, Rockfon and Parafon's management can now zero in on their core mission: driving business strategy and brand growth, free from distractions.

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From outdated to updated: a cohesive brand journey in just 3 months.

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Building trust with expertise: Turning skeptics into branding believers.

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Rockfon and Parafon: Instead of agency chaos, now focused on growth.

Need a seamless brand integration and web transformation like Rockfon and Parafon experienced? Reach out and let's create your success story

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